Monthly Archives: March 2014

The shifting of perception

The shifting of perception

This week we carried out a task where we had to choose an exhibit within the museum and interpret a performance from the perspective of the …


“The Art of Memory”

“The Art of Memory”

The title of this post and my groups final piece was taken from Charles R Garoian’s “Performing the museum”. Having pitched our ideas to both …


The idea without a home

The idea without a home

Coming off from the idea that I wanted to play with the social atmosphere of a museum, I did some reading to inspire me for …




Photo available from:, Accessed 16/03/14 In our piece, we are implementing the memories and the cultural histories of others directly in to the museum through …


The Mind and the Site

The Mind and the Site

In order to engage fully with any artistic or creative institution such as the theatre, an art gallery or a museum, one must take into …