Tag: Kirsty Rice

Voicing the untold

Voicing the untold

Going on from our textual responses to the artwork in class, we have decided to continue with this response to initiate the core starting point …


Writing for performance

Writing for performance

In creating text for performance it can be easy to fall into the trap of creating texts that show no variation and allowing no depth …


Voices of the art

Voices of the art

A few weeks ago we were asked to write a reflective textual response to a piece of artwork within the gallery that stood out to …


Memory, Place, Time

Memory, Place, Time

In our first week we were asked to bring in an item that resembled to us a collection/collectable. At first thought I didn’t think I …


Theatre & Museums

Theatre & Museums

Usher Gallery and The Collection, Lincoln In  the run up to our first seminar, we were asked to read the introduction to Mike Pearson’s’ Site-Specific Performance in …